March Tuesday Night Swiss (OTB)

Tuesdays, March 4, 11, 18, and 25
Event Format
Time Control
G/90 + 5
Open, U1510, U1910
Entry Fee
$20, $35 for non-BCF members; $5 more if registering onsite. Free for GM's and IM's, and also for club members who are rated at least 2200
$400 based on 30 paid entries: Open: $125-$75; U1910 & U1510: $60-$40
Onsite registration is 6:45pm-7:00pm
Round Times

Event starts on March 4 and ends on March 25.

In accordance with BCF policy, unrated players may play in any section. Players rated within 200 points of the lower section maximum may play up one section.

Sections with fewer than six players may be merged.

February and March supplements and "live rating" may be used to play up a section.

The winner(s) of a section from this month's tournament may play up one section regardless of their rating for the April Tuesday Night Swiss.

A current USCF membership is required. Please visit the US Chess Membership site to join or renew.

Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email at least 30 minutes before the round.

For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.

If the metal gate to the building is closed, please press the doorbell marked #1

Please see our tournament policies for more information.

# Name Section USCF ID Rating Live Bye RequestsByes
1 Andrew Hoy (NM) Open 12846607 2242 2248
2 Anton Barash (NM) Open 13679247 2183 2185
3 Alejandro Botta (NM) Open 12740272 2149 2142
4 Logan Boucher Open 15938730 2066 2066
5 Camden Wagner Open 13599730 2049 2046
6 Libardo Rueda (NM) Open 12497363 2000 2000
7 Jacob Morris Open 30237539 1855 1841
8 Stephen Gradijan Open 12454998 1837 1906
9 Ella Xinyue Zhang Open 30305617 1830 1742
10 Mariano Rivera Open 12933153 1745 1687 Rounds 2,3,4
11 Gerard A Taylor Open 12883980 1736 1734
12 Emma Linyue Zhang Open 30305579 1726 1752
13 Rufus Behr Open 16438266 1565 1575
14 Daniel Kimmitt U1910 30340171 1681/23 1691
15 Mike Brown U1910 12689073 1626 1629
16 Zachary Tower U1910 30739679 1559 1634
17 Justin Guerra U1910 12912297 1555 1444
18 Joe Ray U1910 15540607 1531 1504 rd1
19 Alexander Green U1910 16979107 1503 1503
20 Noah Solomon U1910 15104232 1321 1384
21 Sergey Zausaylov U1910 31676878 1321 1278
22 Mark Kolenski U1510 12873112 1514 1500
23 Jon Cusick U1510 17349584 1129 1201 March 11
24 Josep Puig Ruiz U1510 31352673 1116/12 1116/12
25 Jack Elsey U1510 30816000   820   906
26 Gennifer Greenberg U1510 31599223   281   281
27 Jesse Chalif U1510 32256191   unr 1318/8
28 Camille Gomez-Laberge U1510 32219291   unr   686/7 Round 1 (3/4/25)
29 Zainulabideen Jafri U1510 32300485   unr   unr
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Jon Cusick W 5 bye (½) B 2
1129 17349584 1.0 1.5
2 Josep Ruiz B 9 W 8 W 1
1116 31352673 1.0 1.5
3 Thomas Gillespie bye (½) W 9 B 7
974 32225114 0.5 0.5
4 Jack Elsey W 8 bye (1) B 10
820 30816000 0.0 1.0
5 Gennifer"gg" Greenberg B 1 bye (½) bye (1)
281 31599223 0.0 0.5 1.5
6 Erin Nelson bye (½) W 7 B 8
unr 32360187 0.5 1.5
7 Yefim Shneyderman bye (½) B 6 W 3
unr 32356631 0.5 0.5
8 Zainulabideeen Jafri B 4 B 2 W 6
unr 32300485 1.0 1.5
9 Jesse Chalif W 2 B 3 bye (½)
unr 32256191 0.0 1.0 1.5
10 Camille Gomez-Laberge bye (½) bye (½) W 4
unr 32219291 0.5 1.0
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Andrew Hoy W 8 B 12 B 7
2242 12846607 0.0 1.0
2 Anton Barash B 9 W 7 B 13
2183 13679247 1.0 1.5
3 Alejandro Botta bye (½) B 8 W 6
2149 12740272 0.5 1.5
4 Alexander Meng bye (½) bye (½) W 8
2088 15844061 0.5 1.0
5 Logan Boucher W 11 B 6 W 14
2066 15938730 1.0 1.0
6 Camden Wagner B 12 W 5 B 3
2049 13599730 1.0 2.0
7 Libardo Rueda W 14 B 2 W 1
2000 12497363 1.0 1.5
8 Jacob Morris B 1 W 3 B 4
1855 30237539 1.0 1.0
9 Stephen Gradijan W 2 B 14 W 10
1837 12454998 0.0 0.0
10 Ella Zhang bye (½) W 13 B 9
1830 30305617 0.5 0.5
11 Mariano Rivera B 5 bye (½) bye (½)
1745 12933153 0.0 0.5 1.0
12 Gerard Taylor W 6 W 1 bye (1)
1736 12883980 0.0 0.0 1.0
13 Emma Zhang bye (½) B 10 W 2
1726 30305579 0.5 1.5
14 Rufus Behr B 7 W 9 B 5
1565 16438266 0.0 1.0
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Daniel Kimmitt W 4 B 9 B 3
1681 30340171 0.5 1.5
2 Michael Brown B 6 W 7 W 4
1626 12689073 0.0 1.0
3 Zachary Tower W 8 B 6 W 1
1559 30739679 1.0 2.0
4 Justin Guerra B 1 W 5 B 2
1555 12912297 0.5 1.5
5 Joe Ray bye (½) B 4 W 9
1531 15540607 0.5 0.5
6 Thomas Sifter W 2 W 3 B 8
1519 12411472 1.0 1.0
7 Mark Kolenski bye (½) B 2 bye (1)
1514 12873112 0.5 0.5 1.5
8 Alexander Green B 3 bye (1) W 6
1503 16979107 0.0 1.0
9 Sergey Zausaylov bye (1) W 1 B 5
1321 31676878 1.0 1.0
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Andrew Hoy W 7 B 11
2242 12846607 0.0
2 Anton Barash B 8 W 6
2183 13679247 1.0
3 Alejandro Botta bye (½) B 7
2149 12740272 0.5
4 Logan Boucher W 10 B 5
2066 15938730 1.0
5 Camden Wagner B 11 W 4
2049 13599730 1.0
6 Libardo Rueda W 13 B 2
2000 12497363 1.0
7 Jacob Morris B 1 W 3
1855 30237539 1.0
8 Stephen Gradijan W 2 B 13
1837 12454998 0.0
9 Ella Zhang bye (½) B 12
1830 30305617 0.5
10 Mariano Rivera B 4 bye (½)
1745 12933153 0.0 0.5
11 Gerard Taylor W 5 W 1
1736 12883980 0.0
12 Emma Zhang bye (½) W 9
1726 30305579 0.5
13 Rufus Behr B 6 W 8
1565 16438266 0.0
Tentative Pairings
U1500 - Round 3
Res White Player Res Black Player
Josep Ruiz (1116 1.5) Jon Cusick (1129 1.5)
Zainulabideeen Jafri (unr 1.5) Erin Nelson (unr 1.5)
Camille Gomez-Laberge (unr 1.0) Jack Elsey (820 1.0)
Yefim Shneyderman (unr 0.5) Thomas Gillespie (974 0.5)
1 Gennifer"gg" Greenberg (281 0.5) bye
½ Jesse Chalif (unr 1.0) bye
Tentative Pairings
Open - Round 3
Res White Player Res Black Player
Alejandro Botta (2149 1.5) Camden Wagner (2049 2.0)
Emma Zhang (1726 1.5) Anton Barash (2183 1.5)
Libardo Rueda (2000 1.5) Andrew Hoy (2242 1.0)
Alexander Meng (2088 1.0) Jacob Morris (1855 1.0)
Logan Boucher (2066 1.0) Rufus Behr (1565 1.0)
Stephen Gradijan (1837 0.0) Ella Zhang (1830 0.5)
1 Gerard Taylor (1736 0.0) bye
½ Mariano Rivera (1745 0.5) bye
Tentative Pairings
U1910 - Round 3
Res White Player Res Black Player
Zachary Tower (1559 2.0) Daniel Kimmitt (1681 1.5)
Michael Brown (1626 1.0) Justin Guerra (1555 1.5)
Alexander Green (1503 1.0) Thomas Sifter (1519 1.0)
Joe Ray (1531 0.5) Sergey Zausaylov (1321 1.0)
1 Mark Kolenski (1514 0.5) bye
U1510 - Round 2
Bd Res White Player Res Black Player
1 Anton Barash (2183 1.0) Libardo Rueda (2000 1.0)
2 Camden Wagner (2049 1.0) Logan Boucher (2066 1.0)
3 Jacob Morris (1855 1.0) Alejandro Botta (2149 0.5)
4 Emma Zhang (1726 0.5) Ella Zhang (1830 0.5)
5 Gerard Taylor (1736 0.0) Andrew Hoy (2242 0.0)
6 Rufus Behr (1565 0.0) Stephen Gradijan (1837 0.0)
½ Mariano Rivera (1745 0.0) bye
# Place Player Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Total
1 1 - 4 Jon Cusick 1129 W 5 H -- ~ 2 1.5 / 2
2 Josep Ruiz 1116 W 6 D 4 ~ 1 1.5 / 2
3 Erin Nelson unr H -- W 10 ~ 4 1.5 / 2
4 Zainulabideeen Jafri unr W 7 D 2 ~ 3 1.5 / 2
5 5 - 6 Gennifer"gg" Greenberg 281 L 1 H -- B -- 1.5 / 3
6 Jesse Chalif unr L 2 W 9 H -- 1.5 / 3
7 7 - 8 Jack Elsey 820 L 4 B -- ~ 8 1.0 / 2
8 Camille Gomez-Laberge unr H -- H -- ~ 7 1.0 / 2
9 9 - 10 Thomas Gillespie 974 H -- L 6 ~ 10 0.5 / 2
10 Yefim Shneyderman unr H -- L 3 ~ 9 0.5 / 2
# Place Player Rating Live Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Total
1 1 Camden Wagner 2049 2046 2050 4 W 12 W 8 ~ 3 2.0 / 2
2 2 - 5 Anton Barash 2183 2185 2188 3 W 14 D 4 ~ 5 1.5 / 2
3 Alejandro Botta 2149 2142 2142 0 H -- W 9 ~ 1 1.5 / 2
4 Libardo Rueda 2000 2000 2002 2 W 10 D 2 ~ 6 1.5 / 2
5 Emma Zhang 1726 1752 1752 0 H -- W 13 ~ 2 1.5 / 2
6 6 - 10 Andrew Hoy 2242 2248 2231 17 L 9 W 12 ~ 4 1.0 / 2
7 Alexander Meng 2088   unr   unr H -- H -- ~ 9 1.0 / 2
8 Logan Boucher 2066 2066 2066 0 W 11 L 1 ~ 10 1.0 / 2
9 Jacob Morris 1855 1841 1871 30 W 6 L 3 ~ 7 1.0 / 2
10 Rufus Behr 1565 1575 1572 3 L 4 W 14 ~ 8 1.0 / 2
11 11 - 12 Mariano Rivera 1745 1687 1687 0 L 8 H -- H -- 1.0 / 3
12 Gerard Taylor 1736 1734 1729 5 L 1 L 6 B -- 1.0 / 3
13 13 Ella Zhang 1830 1742 1742 0 H -- L 5 ~ 14 0.5 / 2
14 14 Stephen Gradijan 1837 1906 1901 5 L 2 L 10 ~ 13 0.0 / 2
# Place Player Rating Live Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Total
1 1 Zachary Tower 1559 1634 1634 0 W 7 W 6 ~ 2 2.0 / 2
2 2 - 3 Daniel Kimmitt 1681 1691 1691 0 D 3 W 8 ~ 1 1.5 / 2
3 Justin Guerra 1555 1444 1444 0 D 2 W 9 ~ 5 1.5 / 2
4 4 Mark Kolenski 1514 1500 1500 0 H -- L 5 B -- 1.5 / 3
5 5 - 8 Michael Brown 1626 1629 1604 25 L 6 W 4 ~ 3 1.0 / 2
6 Thomas Sifter 1519 1519 1547 28 W 5 L 1 ~ 7 1.0 / 2
7 Alexander Green 1503 1503 1503 0 L 1 B -- ~ 6 1.0 / 2
8 Sergey Zausaylov 1321 1278 1278 0 B -- L 2 ~ 9 1.0 / 2
9 9 Joe Ray 1531 1504 1504 0 H -- L 3 ~ 8 0.5 / 2
# Place Player Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Total
1 1 - 5 Anton Barash 2183 W 11 ~ 4 1.0 / 1
2 Logan Boucher 2066 W 9 ~ 3 1.0 / 1
3 Camden Wagner 2049 W 12 ~ 2 1.0 / 1
4 Libardo Rueda 2000 W 13 ~ 1 1.0 / 1
5 Jacob Morris 1855 W 10 ~ 6 1.0 / 1
6 6 - 8 Alejandro Botta 2149 H -- ~ 5 0.5 / 1
7 Ella Zhang 1830 H -- ~ 8 0.5 / 1
8 Emma Zhang 1726 H -- ~ 7 0.5 / 1
9 9 Mariano Rivera 1745 L 2 H -- 0.5 / 2
10 10 - 13 Andrew Hoy 2242 L 5 ~ 12 0.0 / 1
11 Stephen Gradijan 1837 L 1 ~ 13 0.0 / 1
12 Gerard Taylor 1736 L 3 ~ 10 0.0 / 1
13 Rufus Behr 1565 L 4 ~ 11 0.0 / 1