Fischer Random Blitz

Friday, February 21
Event Format
Time Control
G/5 d0
Entry Fee
$10, $15 for non-BCF members
Based on entries
Round Times
7:45pm first round, rest ASAP

It's Friday Night!

This event is NOT USCF rated, so you do not need a USCF membership to play.

Each round will feature a new Fischer Random position

We'll play six double rounds (one game with each color) with a G/5 time control, no delay and no increment. Doors open at 7:30pm, first round starts at 7:45pm.

Afterwards, what happens happens...

A current USCF membership is required.

Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email at least 30 minutes before the round.

For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.

If the metal gate to the building is closed, please press the doorbell marked #1

Please see our tournament policies for more information.

# Name USCF ID Regular/Blitz Rating Live Bye RequestsByes
1 Mikayel Mkrtchyan (NM) 30698398 2347 2346
2 Andrew Hoy (NM) 12846607 2267 2242
3 Luc Mahieu 32024697 2175 2275/20
4 Anton Barash (NM) 13679247 2173 2183
5 John Archibald 15110208 2143 2136
6 Juan Arboleda Orozco 31326769 2035   unr
7 Bohan Wang 16880573 2029 2029
8 Ibrahim Bukhari 30300929 1926 1910
9 Troy Cui 30827340 1838/5 1856/11
10 Tia Zheng 15546331 1773 1752
11 Justin Guerra 12912297 1604 1555
12 Jim Jin 30855444 1584 1525
13 Zhuoyuan Du 32142056 1382/4 1676/8
14 Haley Cope 14620637 1345 1337
15 Jay Shum 30353424   970/19   971/23
16 Dan Risner 30595053   922/15   919/22
17 Joshua Mueller 32207836   unr 1492/6
18 Joy Xu 32217241   unr 1477/5
19 Kai Solter 32215402   unr 1329/10
20 Tamerlan Shyngyssov 32214963   unr 1231/4
21 Alp Gelgen 32209370   unr 1197/5
22 Akshaj Balasubramanian 32251215   unr   unr
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6
1 Sherif Khater 14 7 5 6 3 16
2358 12748218 1.5 2.5 4.5 5.5 5.5 7.5
2 Mikayel Mkrtchyan 15 8 4 3 6 5
2347 30698398 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 9.0
3 Andrew Hoy 16 10 6 2 1 4
2267 12846607 2.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 8.0
4 Luc Mahieu 17 13 2 9 8 3
2175 32024697 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 9.0
5 Anton Barash bye (½) 12 1 15 7 2
2173 13679247 1.0 3.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 9.0
6 John Archibald 18 25 3 1 2 13
2143 15110208 2.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 9.0
7 Juan ArboledaOrozco 19 1 14 11 5 9
2035 31326769 1.5 2.5 3.5 5.5 5.5 7.5
8 Bohan Wang 20 2 16 10 4 11
2029 16880573 2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 7.0
9 Ibrahim Bukhari 21 23 22 4 14 7
1926 30300929 1.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0
10 Wyatt Morris 22 3 21 8 11 23
1861 30237539 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 6.0
11 Troy Cui 23 21 24 7 10 8
1838 30827340 1.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 7.0
12 Elliott Wu bye (½) 5 19 18 17 14
1780 12887861 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 5.0 6.0
13 Tia Zheng 24 4 23 14 19 6
1773 15546331 2.0 2.0 3.5 5.0 7.0 7.0
14 Akshaj Balasubramanian 1 19 7 13 9 12
1620 32251215 0.5 2.5 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0
15 Justin Guerra 2 18 25 5 24 22
1604 12912297 0.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 5.0
16 Jim Jin 3 20 8 23 21 1
1584 30855444 0.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0
17 Joshua Mueller 4 22 18 24 12 25
1492 32207836 0.0 0.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 5.0
18 Joy Xu 6 15 17 12 22 21
1477 32217241 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.5 3.5
19 Zhuoyuan Du 7 14 12 25 13 24
1382 32142056 0.5 0.5 2.5 4.5 4.5 6.5
20 Haley Cope 8 16 bye (1) --- --- ---
1345 14620637 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
21 Kai Solter 9 11 10 22 16 18
1329 32215402 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
22 Tamerlan Shyngyssov 10 17 9 21 18 15
1231 32214963 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5
23 Alp Gelgen 11 9 13 16 25 10
1197 32209370 1.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 4.5 4.5
24 Jay Shum 13 bye (1) 11 17 15 19
970 30353424 0.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 5.0
25 Dan Risner bye (1) 6 15 19 23 17
922 30595053 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
Open - Round 6
Bd Res White Player Res Black Player
1 0 Mikayel Mkrtchyan (2347 9.0) 2 Anton Barash (2173 7.0)
2 1 Andrew Hoy (2267 7.0) 1 Luc Mahieu (2175 8.0)
3 2 John Archibald (2143 7.0) 0 Tia Zheng (1773 7.0)
4 2 Sherif Khater (2358 5.5) 0 Jim Jin (1584 6.0)
5 1 Bohan Wang (2029 6.0) 1 Troy Cui (1838 6.0)
6 2 Juan ArboledaOrozco (2035 5.5) 0 Ibrahim Bukhari (1926 5.0)
7 1 Elliott Wu (1780 5.0) 1 Akshaj Balasubramanian (1620 5.0)
8 2 Zhuoyuan Du (1382 4.5) 0 Jay Shum (970 5.0)
9 2 Wyatt Morris (1861 4.0) 0 Alp Gelgen (1197 4.5)
10 2 Joy Xu (1477 1.5) 0 Kai Solter (1329 4.0)
11 2 Joshua Mueller (1492 3.0) 0 Dan Risner (922 3.0)
12 2 Justin Guerra (1604 3.0) 0 Tamerlan Shyngyssov (1231 2.5)
# Place Player Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Total
1 1 - 4 Mikayel Mkrtchyan 2347 WW 17 WW 8 WW 2 WW 5 DD 4 LL 3 9.0 / 12
2 Luc Mahieu 2175 WW 18 WW 10 LL 1 WW 16 WW 8 DD 5 9.0 / 12
3 Anton Barash 2173 H -- WW 13 LL 6 WW 17 WW 7 WW 1 9.0 / 12
4 John Archibald 2143 WW 22 WW 23 DD 5 DD 6 DD 1 WW 10 9.0 / 12
5 5 Andrew Hoy 2267 WW 15 WW 12 DD 4 LL 1 WW 6 DD 2 8.0 / 12
6 6 - 7 Sherif Khater 2358 WD 14 DD 7 WW 3 DD 4 LL 5 WW 15 7.5 / 12
7 Juan ArboledaOrozco 2035 WD 11 DD 6 DD 14 WW 9 LL 3 WW 16 7.5 / 12
8 8 - 10 Bohan Wang 2029 WW 25 LL 1 WW 15 WW 12 LL 2 DD 9 7.0 / 12
9 Troy Cui 1838 DD 20 DD 21 WW 19 LL 7 WW 12 DD 8 7.0 / 12
10 Tia Zheng 1773 WW 19 LL 2 WD 20 WD 14 WW 11 LL 4 7.0 / 12
11 11 Zhuoyuan Du 1382 DL 7 LL 14 WW 13 WW 23 LL 10 WW 19 6.5 / 12
12 12 - 15 Wyatt Morris 1861 WW 24 LL 5 WW 21 LL 8 LL 9 WW 20 6.0 / 12
13 Elliott Wu 1780 H -- LL 3 LL 11 WW 22 WW 18 DD 14 6.0 / 12
14 Akshaj Balasubramanian 1620 DL 6 WW 11 DD 7 DL 10 DD 16 DD 13 6.0 / 12
15 Jim Jin 1584 LL 5 WW 25 LL 8 WW 20 WW 21 LL 6 6.0 / 12
16 16 - 19 Ibrahim Bukhari 1926 DD 21 DD 20 WW 24 LL 2 DD 14 LL 7 5.0 / 12
17 Justin Guerra 1604 LL 1 WW 22 DD 23 LL 3 LL 19 WW 24 5.0 / 12
18 Joshua Mueller 1492 LL 2 LL 24 WW 22 DD 19 LL 13 WW 23 5.0 / 12
19 Jay Shum 970 LL 10 B -- LL 9 DD 18 WW 17 LL 11 5.0 / 12
20 20 Alp Gelgen 1197 DD 9 DD 16 DL 10 LL 15 WW 23 LL 12 4.5 / 12
21 21 Kai Solter 1329 DD 16 DD 9 LL 12 WW 24 LL 15 LL 22 4.0 / 12
22 22 Joy Xu 1477 LL 4 LL 17 LL 18 LL 13 WD 24 WW 21 3.5 / 12
23 23 Dan Risner 922 B -- LL 4 DD 17 LL 11 LL 20 LL 18 3.0 / 12
24 24 Tamerlan Shyngyssov 1231 LL 12 WW 18 LL 16 LL 21 DL 22 LL 17 2.5 / 12
25 25 Haley Cope 1345 LL 8 LL 15 B -- U -- U -- U -- 2.0 / 12