BCC Holiday Fundraising Tournament

Saturday, December 28, 2024
Event Format
Time Control
G/60, d5
Entry Fee
$50. Morning coffee, hot chocolate, donuts, and pizza lunch included.
None. All proceeds will support the club
on-site 9:30-9:45am
Round Times
10am, 1pm, 3:30pm, 6pm

Support the BCC and come to play in this fundraising event! Morning coffee, hot chocolate, donuts, and a pizza lunch are all included! Food and drinks are donated so all your $50 entry fee goes to support the club.

  • We are planning to have three rated sections. Sections may be combined at TD's discretion if there are not enough players in a section. In accordance with BCF policy, unrated players may play in any section. Players rated within 200 points of the lower section maximum may play up one section. USCF membership is required to play in a rated section.

  • If you only want to play some casual games, we have an unrated section for you! Players in the unrated section do not need USCF membership.

  • We welcome and appreciate your donation, even if you choose not to play. Please consider supporting BCC by choosing "Donation Only" section in registration. You can donate for this event via "registration online" link till the end of the day on 12/28.

Come have a full day of chess fun in our beautiful downtown location, enjoy each other's company during the holiday season, and together build a stronger chess community!

Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email td@boylstonchess.org at least 30 minutes before the round.

For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.

If the metal gate to the building is closed, please press the doorbell marked #1

Please see our tournament policies for more information.

# Name USCF ID Rating Live Bye RequestsByes
1 Jianchao Zhou (GM) 15524414 2681 2674
2 Ryan Sun (FM) 16379802 2362 2362
3 Joaquin Carlson 15794580 2160 2160 4
4 Ryan Wang 15486461 2138 2117 2,3,4
5 Alexander Meng 15844061 2112 2104
6 Kelsey Liu (WIM) 15770981 2101 2101
7 David Zhou 15194137 2032 2032 Round 1
8 Aksha Padmanabhan 14297271 2020 2020
9 Justin Li 15826242 2008 2008
10 Oskar Zoffer 16471866 1992 2080 4
11 Jericho Carlson 16096060 1982 2019 4
12 Ray Xue 17348162 1970 1999
13 Luke Ji 16237733 1943 1974
14 Tianna Wang 15486476 1940 1944
15 Simon Payne 30429367 1935 2000
16 Carter Zsittnik 30644252 1931 1977 No
17 Jianda Liu 17182781 1911 1935
18 Ethan Qiao 16231178 1906 1873
19 Rajdeep Sharma 12879249 1844 1844
20 Albert Dong 30036635 1830 1868
21 Natasha Christiansen 11366805 1817 1831
22 Joy Cao 14973655 1812 1812 first round
23 Emma Linyue Zhang 30305579 1792 1722
24 Sophia Rosenholtz 15263723 1753 1753
25 Ella Xinyue Zhang 30305617 1746 1670
26 Bernardo Iglesias 12214270 1700 1700 2, 3, 4
27 Sujay Kunamneni 16433982 1693 1693
28 Christine Nguyen 16634247 1671 1671
29 Justin Guerra 12912297 1569 1515
30 Henry Shannon 30443118 1564 1564 Possibly for the fourth round
31 Jeremy Rosenholtz 15786752 1543 1544
32 Liming Sun 16835534 1461 1461
33 Christian Li 16923000 1458 1458
34 Zachary Tower 30739679 1435 1359
35 Nan Ji 16758085 1433 1460
36 Haley Martin 14620637 1345 1360
37 Mengyuan Niu 16836668 1247 1247
38 David Elkin 12939327 1226 1200 Round 4
39 Qingdong Meng 16431367 1189 1189
40 Tomo Lazovich 31912082 1058 1057
41 Dimitri Smalley 31119430   992 1023
42 Nina Yang 30059397   899   811
43 Ethan Liu 31539977   656   640 1
44 Charlotte Granof 32180908   unr   432/3
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Joaquin Carlson W 9 B 11 --- ---
2160 15794580 0.0 0.5 0.5 0.5
2 Ryan Wang B 11 bye (½) bye (½) bye (½)
2138 15486461 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
3 Alexander Meng W 10 B 15 W 6 bye (½)
2112 15844061 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5
4 Kelsey Liu bye (½) B 8 W 7 bye (½)
2101 15770981 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.0
5 David Zhou bye (½) B 10 W 15 B 6
2032 15194137 0.5 1.5 2.5
6 Aksha Padmanabhan W 13 B 12 B 3 W 5
2014 14297271 0.0 1.0 2.0
7 Oskar Zoffer bye (½) W 14 B 4 W 12
1992 16471866 0.5 1.5 1.5
8 Jericho Carlson B 14 W 4 --- ---
1982 16096060 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
9 Yuze Ji B 1 W 13 --- ---
1943 16237733 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Tianna Wang B 3 W 5 B 13 bye (½)
1940 15486476 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0
11 Simon Payne W 2 W 1 B 14 B 13
1935 30429367 0.0 0.5 1.5
12 Carter Zsittnik W 15 W 6 bye (1) B 7
1931 30644252 0.0 0.0 1.0
13 Jianda Liu B 6 B 9 W 10 W 11
1911 17182781 1.0 1.0 2.0
14 Rajdeep Sharma W 8 B 7 W 11 bye (½)
1844 12879249 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0
15 Albert Dong B 12 W 3 B 5 bye (1)
1830 30036635 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.5
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Joy Cao bye (½) B 9 W 10 W 5
1812 14973655 0.5 0.5 1.5
2 Sophia Rosenholtz bye (½) W 7 B 8 bye (½)
1753 15263723 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5
3 Bernardo Iglesias W 6 bye (½) bye (½) bye (½)
1700 12214270 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
4 Sujay Kunamneni B 7 W 8 B 6 B 10
1688 16433982 0.5 0.5 1.0
5 Christine Nguyen W 9 B 6 W 7 B 1
1671 16634247 0.0 1.0 2.0
6 Justin Guerra B 3 W 5 W 4 bye (1)
1569 12912297 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.5
7 Henry Shannon W 4 B 2 B 5 bye (½)
1564 30443118 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.5
8 Jeremy Rosenholtz bye (½) B 4 W 2 bye (½)
1543 15786752 0.5 1.5 1.5 2.0
9 Nan Ji B 5 W 1 --- ---
1459 16758085 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Christian Li bye (½) bye (½) B 1 W 4
1458 16923000 0.5 1.0 1.0
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Amy Nguyen W 5 B 6 B 2 W 8
1393 16151483 0.5 1.5 2.5
2 Haley Martin bye (½) B 5 W 1 B 9
1345 14620637 0.5 1.0 1.0
3 Mengyuan Niu --- --- --- ---
1247 16836668 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 David Elkin --- --- --- ---
1226 12939327 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 Qingdong Meng B 1 W 2 B 8 W 6
1189 16431367 0.5 1.0 2.0
6 Tomo Lazovich B 8 W 1 W 9 B 5
1058 31912082 1.0 1.0 2.0
7 Dimitri Smalley --- --- --- ---
992 31119430 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
8 Nina Yang W 6 B 9 W 5 B 1
899 30059397 0.0 1.0 1.0
9 Ethan Liu bye (½) W 8 B 6 W 2
656 31539977 0.5 0.5 0.5
10 Charlotte Granof --- --- --- ---
432 32180908 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tentative Pairings
Open - Round 4
Res White Player Res Black Player
Aksha Padmanabhan (2014 2.0) David Zhou (2032 2.5)
Jianda Liu (1911 2.0) Simon Payne (1935 1.5)
Oskar Zoffer (1992 1.5) Carter Zsittnik (1931 1.0)
1 Albert Dong (1830 1.5) bye
½ Kelsey Liu (2101 2.5) bye
½ Ryan Wang (2138 2.0) bye
½ Alexander Meng (2112 1.0) bye
½ Tianna Wang (1940 0.5) bye
½ Rajdeep Sharma (1844 0.5) bye
Tentative Pairings
U2000 - Round 4
Res White Player Res Black Player
Joy Cao (1812 1.5) Christine Nguyen (1671 2.0)
Christian Li (1458 1.0) Sujay Kunamneni (1688 1.0)
1 Justin Guerra (1569 0.5) bye
½ Sophia Rosenholtz (1753 2.0) bye
½ Bernardo Iglesias (1700 2.0) bye
½ Jeremy Rosenholtz (1543 1.5) bye
½ Henry Shannon (1564 1.0) bye
Tentative Pairings
U1600 - Round 4
Res White Player Res Black Player
Amy Nguyen (1393 2.5) Nina Yang (899 1.0)
Qingdong Meng (1189 2.0) Tomo Lazovich (1058 2.0)
Ethan Liu (656 0.5) Haley Martin (1345 1.0)
# Place Player Rating Live Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total
1 1 Kelsey Liu 2101 2101 2120 19 H -- W 15 W 8 H -- 3.0 / 4
2 2 David Zhou 2032 2032 2048 16 H -- W 12 W 4 ~ 5 2.5 / 3
3 3 - 4 Ryan Wang 2138 2117 2125 8 W 9 H -- H -- H -- 2.5 / 4
4 Albert Dong 1830 1868 1886 18 W 11 D 10 L 2 B -- 2.5 / 4
5 5 - 6 Aksha Padmanabhan 2014 2020 2030 10 L 6 W 11 W 10 ~ 2 2.0 / 3
6 Jianda Liu 1911 1935 1955 20 W 5 L 7 W 12 ~ 9 2.0 / 3
7 7 Yuze Ji 1943 1974 2006 32 W 14 W 6 U -- U -- 2.0 / 4
8 8 - 9 Oskar Zoffer 1992 2080 2074 6 H -- W 13 L 1 ~ 11 1.5 / 3
9 Simon Payne 1935 2000 2004 4 L 3 D 14 W 13 ~ 6 1.5 / 3
10 10 Alexander Meng 2112 2104 2079 25 D 12 D 4 L 5 H -- 1.5 / 4
11 11 Carter Zsittnik 1931 1977 1949 28 L 4 L 5 B -- ~ 8 1.0 / 3
12 12 - 13 Tianna Wang 1940 1944 1926 18 D 10 L 2 L 6 H -- 1.0 / 4
13 Rajdeep Sharma 1844 1844 1836 8 D 15 L 8 L 9 H -- 1.0 / 4
14 14 - 15 Joaquin Carlson 2160 2160 2141 19 L 7 D 9 U -- U -- 0.5 / 4
15 Jericho Carlson 1982 2019 2004 15 D 13 L 1 U -- U -- 0.5 / 4
# Place Player Rating Live Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total
1 1 - 2 Sophia Rosenholtz 1753 1753 1753 0 H -- D 8 W 4 H -- 2.5 / 4
2 Bernardo Iglesias 1700 1700 1709 9 W 7 H -- H -- H -- 2.5 / 4
3 3 Christine Nguyen 1671 1671 1669 2 L 5 W 7 W 8 ~ 6 2.0 / 3
4 4 - 5 Jeremy Rosenholtz 1543 1544 1562 18 H -- W 9 L 1 H -- 2.0 / 4
5 Nan Ji 1459 1460 1533 73 W 3 W 6 U -- U -- 2.0 / 4
6 6 Joy Cao 1812 1812 1789 23 H -- L 5 W 10 ~ 3 1.5 / 3
7 7 - 8 Justin Guerra 1569 1515 1501 14 L 2 L 3 D 9 B -- 1.5 / 4
8 Henry Shannon 1564 1564 1565 1 D 9 D 1 L 3 H -- 1.5 / 4
9 9 - 10 Sujay Kunamneni 1688 1693 1654 39 D 8 L 4 D 7 ~ 10 1.0 / 3
10 Christian Li 1458 1458 1452 6 H -- H -- L 6 ~ 9 1.0 / 3
# Place Player Rating Live Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total
1 1 Amy Nguyen 1393 1393 1407 14 D 2 W 3 W 4 ~ 5 2.5 / 3
2 2 - 3 Qingdong Meng 1189 1189 1222 33 D 1 D 4 W 5 ~ 3 2.0 / 3
3 Tomo Lazovich 1058 1057 1065 8 W 5 L 1 W 6 ~ 2 2.0 / 3
4 4 - 5 Haley Martin 1345 1360 1330 30 H -- D 2 L 1 ~ 6 1.0 / 3
5 Nina Yang 899   811   809 2 L 3 W 6 L 2 ~ 1 1.0 / 3
6 6 Ethan Liu 656   640   615 25 H -- L 5 L 3 ~ 4 0.5 / 3
7 7 - 10 Mengyuan Niu 1247 1247 1247 0 U -- U -- U -- U -- 0.0 / 4
8 David Elkin 1226 1200 1200 0 U -- U -- U -- U -- 0.0 / 4
9 Dimitri Smalley 992 1023 1023 0 U -- U -- U -- U -- 0.0 / 4
10 Charlotte Granof 432   432/3   432/3 0 U -- U -- U -- U -- 0.0 / 4