ALTO (At Least Twenty-One)

Saturday, December 14, 2024
Event Format
Time Control
G/60 d5
Entry Fee
$20; $5 more day of
9:45am - 10:15am (onsite)
Round Times
10:30am, 1:30pm, 4:00pm

Come hungry! Food and drinks will be provided all day.



Please visit the US Chess Membership site to join or renew.

A current USCF membership is required.

Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email at least 30 minutes before the round.

For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.

If the metal gate to the building is closed, please press the doorbell marked #1

Please see our tournament policies for more information.

# Name USCF ID Rating Live Bye RequestsByes
1 Andrew Hoy (NM) 12846607 2270 2273
2 Ramin Farzaneh-Far 13794896 2012 2012 Round 1
3 Alex Slive 10014522 2007 2007 Rd. 3
4 Elliott Wu 12887861 1917 1917
5 Stephen Gradijan 12454998 1800 1800
6 Lucas Morreale 16076161 1608 1608
7 Owen Morrissey 30301062 1586 1586
8 Justin Guerra 12912297 1569 1543
9 Tyera Zweygardt 30286153 1556 1775
10 Michael Bernier 12565373 1444 1444
11 Zachary Tower 30739679 1435 1409
12 Haley Martin 14620637 1345 1345
13 Andrew Barber 31930461 1051 1051 Third round
14 Santiago Benoit 31675956   939/14   939/14
15 Dan Risner 30595053   791/7   791/7
16 Charlotte Granof 32180908   unr   unr
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3
1 Andrew Hoy W 5 B 3 W 9
2270 12846607 1.0 2.0 3.0
2 Rami Farzaneh-Far bye (½) W 4 B 5
2012 13794896 0.5 1.5 2.5
3 Alex Slive B 6 W 1 bye (½)
2007 10014522 1.0 1.0 1.5
4 Elliott Wu W 7 B 2 W 11
1917 12887861 0.5 0.5 0.5
5 Stephen Gradijan B 1 W 12 W 2
1800 12454998 0.0 1.0 1.0
6 Luke Morreale W 3 B 7 W 14
1608 16076161 0.0 1.0 2.0
7 Owen Morrissey B 4 W 6 B 16
1586 30301062 0.5 0.5 1.5
8 Justin Guerra B 9 W 13 B 12
1569 12912297 0.0 1.0 2.0
9 Tyera Zweygardt W 8 B 14 B 1
1556 30286153 1.0 2.0 2.0
10 Michael Bernier bye (½) W 11 B 15
1444 12565373 0.5 1.0 2.0
11 Zachary Tower W 14 B 10 B 4
1435 30739679 0.0 0.5 1.5
12 Haley Martin B 15 B 5 W 8
1345 14620637 1.0 1.0 1.0
13 Andrew Barber W 16 B 8 bye (½)
1051 31930461 1.0 1.0 1.5
14 Santiago Benoit B 11 W 9 B 6
938 31675956 1.0 1.0 1.0
15 Dan Risner W 12 B 16 W 10
791 30595053 0.0 1.0 1.0
16 Charlotte Granof B 13 W 15 W 7
unr 32180908 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tentative Pairings
ALTO - Round 3
Res White Player Res Black Player
1 Andrew Hoy (2270 2.0) 0 Tyera Zweygardt (1556 2.0)
0 Stephen Gradijan (1800 1.0) 1 Rami Farzaneh-Far (2012 1.5)
1 Luke Morreale (1608 1.0) 0 Santiago Benoit (938 1.0)
0 Haley Martin (1345 1.0) 1 Justin Guerra (1569 1.0)
0 Dan Risner (791 1.0) 1 Michael Bernier (1444 1.0)
0 Elliott Wu (1917 0.5) 1 Zachary Tower (1435 0.5)
0 Charlotte Granof (unr 0.0) 1 Owen Morrissey (1586 0.5)
½ Alex Slive (2007 1.0) bye
½ Andrew Barber (1051 1.0) bye
# Place Player Rating Live Post Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Total
1 1 Andrew Hoy 2270 2273 2277 4 W 11 W 7 W 5 3.0 / 3
2 2 Rami Farzaneh-Far 2012 2012 2026 14 H -- W 15 W 11 2.5 / 3
3 3 - 6 Luke Morreale 1608 1608 1623 15 L 7 W 8 W 13 2.0 / 3
4 Justin Guerra 1569 1543 1546 3 L 5 W 10 W 12 2.0 / 3
5 Tyera Zweygardt 1556 1775 1781 6 W 4 W 13 L 1 2.0 / 3
6 Michael Bernier 1444 1444 1443 1 H -- D 9 W 14 2.0 / 3
7 7 - 10 Alex Slive 2007 2007 2005 2 W 3 L 1 H -- 1.5 / 3
8 Owen Morrissey 1586 1586 1582 4 D 15 L 3 W 16 1.5 / 3
9 Zachary Tower 1435 1409 1412 3 L 13 D 6 W 15 1.5 / 3
10 Andrew Barber 1051 1051 1052 1 W 16 L 4 H -- 1.5 / 3
11 11 - 14 Stephen Gradijan 1800 1800 1793 7 L 1 W 12 L 2 1.0 / 3
12 Haley Martin 1345 1345 1333 12 W 14 L 11 L 4 1.0 / 3
13 Santiago Benoit 938   939/14 1018/17 79 W 9 L 5 L 3 1.0 / 3
14 Dan Risner 791   791/7   805/10 14 L 12 W 16 L 6 1.0 / 3
15 15 Elliott Wu 1917 1917 1870 47 D 8 L 2 L 9 0.5 / 3
16 16 Charlotte Granof unr   unr   599/3 L 10 L 14 L 8 0.0 / 3