Play Up Challenge

Sunday, September 29, 2024
Event Format
Time Control
G/60 d5
Entry Fee
$125, BCF membership is required
Must register in advance online
Round Times
9:30am, 12:30pm, 3:00pm, and 5:30pm

Want to play strong opponents? Then this event is for you!

We have assembled a gang of strong players. Chess gladiators, all rated at least 2000, and some much higher. They're not playing each other, they're playing the challengers. They're playing YOU!

Can you score a point? Test your might!

Participation is limited to club members. The price for non-members in the registration menu below includes a one-year adult membership for the club. If you'd like a different membership tier, please head to our Membership page.

Participation is also currently limited to the first 10 players to sign up, but may expand depending on how many Gladiators we can recruit.

The fine print: Challengers will play gladiators at least 3 out of 4 rounds. If challengers play each other, there will be no more than a 100 rating point difference or a difference of 2 places on the wallchart.

Pairings will be calculated and published in advance and include randomness as opposed to standard swiss pairings.

This event is USCF rated, and a current US Chess membership is required. Please visit the US Chess Membership site to join or renew.

We are still recruiting gladiators, but as of August 1 we have commitments from two FIDE-titled players and two USCF masters, with many more inquiries outstanding.

A current USCF membership is required.

Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email at least 30 minutes before the round.

For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.

If the metal gate to the building is closed, please press the doorbell marked #1

Please see our tournament policies for more information.

# Name USCF ID Rating Live Bye RequestsByes
1 William Wu (NM) 30020380 2153 2153
2 Kevin Zhao 30425013 2097 2106
3 Shawn Xu 30264362 2071 2080
4 Andrew Jeselson 15782648 1990 1967
5 Royce Zhang 30154455 1945 1953
6 Arthur Zhou 30350651 1925 1970
7 Samanyu Alluri 30185788 1840 1848
8 Christopher Duncan 30086385 1628/4 1628/4
9 Marcus Farzaneh-Far 31665965 1526 1540
10 Yash Godkar 31393958 1053 1160
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Jianchao Zhou B 17 B 18 B 12 W 11
2684 15524414
2 Yaacov Norowitz W 12 B 22 B 16 W 24
2493 12566496
3 Alexander Ivanov W 21 B 8 B 20 W 18
2483 12513936
4 Mikayel Mkrtchyan W 8 W 11 --- ---
2335 30698398
5 Mauro Ampie B 16 W 17 W 23 B 21
2333 16386271
6 Andrew Hoy B 11 B 23 W 18 W 17
2238 12846607
7 Anton Barash --- --- W 8 B 23
2186 13679247
8 William Wu B 4 W 3 B 7 W 12
2153 30020380
9 Kate Odnorozhenko W 20 B 12 B 11 W 16
2134 30200342
10 William Collins B 18 W 24 W 21 ---
2109 11434801
11 Kevin Zhao W 6 B 4 W 9 B 1
2097 30425013
12 Shawn Xu B 2 W 9 W 1 B 8
2071 30264362
13 John Archibald W 22 B 21 B 17 W 20
2054 15110208
14 Libardo Rueda --- B 20 W 22 ---
2053 12497363
15 J Timothy Sage W 23 W 16 B 24 ---
2034 10146712
16 Andrew Jeselson W 5 B 15 W 2 B 9
1990 15782648
17 Royce Zhang W 1 B 5 W 13 B 6
1945 30154455
18 Arthur Zhou W 10 W 1 B 6 B 3
1925 30350651
19 Charles Slade B 24 --- --- ---
1896 12487244
20 Samanyu Alluri B 9 W 14 W 3 B 13
1840 30185788
21 Tommy Kozlek B 3 W 13 B 10 W 5
1792 30347417
22 Christopher Duncan B 13 W 2 B 14 ---
1628 30086385
23 Marcus Farzaneh-Far B 15 W 6 B 5 W 7
1526 31665965
24 Yash Godkar W 19 B 10 W 15 B 2
1053 31393958
Open - Round
Res White Player Res Black Player
# Place Player Rating Live Post Total
1 1 - 24 Jianchao Zhou 2684 2687 2687 0 0.0 / 0
2 Yaacov Norowitz 2493 2493 2494 1 0.0 / 0
3 Alexander Ivanov 2483 2454 2456 2 0.0 / 0
4 Mikayel Mkrtchyan 2335 2335 2330 5 0.0 / 0
5 Mauro Ampie 2333 2333 2336 3 0.0 / 0
6 Andrew Hoy 2238 2231 2226 5 0.0 / 0
7 Anton Barash 2186 2196 2187 9 0.0 / 0
8 William Wu 2153 2153 2190 37 0.0 / 0
9 Kate Odnorozhenko 2134 2134 2130 4 0.0 / 0
10 William Collins 2109 2109 2100 9 0.0 / 0
11 Kevin Zhao 2097 2106 2094 12 0.0 / 0
12 Shawn Xu 2071 2080 2071 9 0.0 / 0
13 John Archibald 2054 2128 2133 5 0.0 / 0
14 Libardo Rueda 2053 2053 2025 28 0.0 / 0
15 J Timothy Sage 2034 2034 2033 1 0.0 / 0
16 Andrew Jeselson 1990 1967 1946 21 0.0 / 0
17 Royce Zhang 1945 1953 1939 14 0.0 / 0
18 Arthur Zhou 1925 1970 1981 11 0.0 / 0
19 Charles Slade 1896 1919 1919 0 0.0 / 0
20 Samanyu Alluri 1840 1848 1875 27 0.0 / 0
21 Tommy Kozlek 1792 1917 1914 3 0.0 / 0
22 Christopher Duncan 1628 1628/4 1668/7 40 0.0 / 0
23 Marcus Farzaneh-Far 1526 1540 1621 81 0.0 / 0
24 Yash Godkar 1053 1160 1159 1 0.0 / 0