May Tuesday Night Swiss

Tuesdays, May 7, 14, 21, and 28
Event Format
Time Control
G/90 + 5
Entry Fee
$20, $35 for non-BCF members; $5 more if registering onsite. Free for GM's and IM's, and also for club members who are rated at least 2200
$300 based on 25 paid entries: Open $125, $75; U1900 $60, $40
Onsite registration is 6:45pm-7:00pm
Round Times

Event starts on May 7 and ends on May 28.

In accordance with BCF policy, unrated players may play in any section. Players rated within 200 points of the lower section maximum may play up one section.

Sections with fewer than six players may be merged.

April and May supplements and "live rating" may be used to play up a section.

The winner(s) of a section from this month's tournament may play up one section regardless of their rating for the June Tuesday Night Swiss.

A current USCF membership is required. Please visit the US Chess Membership site to join or renew. .

A current USCF membership is required.

Need to withdraw or take a bye? Email at least 30 minutes before the round.

For parking and transportation info, please visit Parking and Public Transit.

If the metal gate to the building is closed, please press the doorbell marked #1

Please see our tournament policies for more information.

# Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4
1 Alejandro Botta W 4 B 6
2255 12740272 1.0
2 Andrew Hoy bye (½) W 5
2200 12846607 0.5
3 Anton Barash B 6 W 8
2193 13679247 0.0
4 Jay Yalamanchili B 1 W 9
2010 13885980 0.0
5 Alex Slive bye (½) B 2
2001 10014522 0.5
6 Zachary Pan W 3 W 1
1945 30221502 1.0
7 Camden Wagner W 8 W 10
1940 13599730 0.0
8 David Mccabe B 7 B 3
1914 13958197 1.0
9 Chunhao Hu B 11 B 4
1875 31708125 1.0
10 Jacob Morris W 12 B 7
1782 30237539 1.0
11 Krishna Narayanan W 9 B 12
1766 16842787 0.0
12 Nicanor Millan B 10 W 11
1611 31694209 0.0
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2
1 Edward Astrachan W 4 B 6
1815 12430870
2 Michael Barry B 5 W 3
1712 12584196
3 Michael Brown W 6 B 2
1572 12689073
4 Justin Guerra B 1 W 5
1540 12912297
5 Daniel Paley W 2 B 4
1461 17121400
6 Sergey Zausaylov B 3 W 1
1356 31676878
7 Richard Rivera B 10 W 14
1248 30770809
8 Patrick Colleran W 12 B 10
993 31646336
9 Isaac Jacobson B 14 W 16
640 31610677
10 Joseph Oliva W 7 W 8
477 12655775
11 Gennifer Greenberg
148 31599223
12 Gennifer Greenberg B 8 bye (1)
148 31599223
13 Scott Westvold
unr 31763283
14 Scott Westvold W 9 B 7
unr 31763283
15 Ieuan Israel
unr 31269296
16 Ieuan Israel bye (1) B 9
unr 31269296
# Player Rd 1 Rd 2
1 Edward Astrachan W 4 B 6
1815 12430870
2 Michael Barry B 5 W 3
1712 12584196
3 Michael Brown W 6 B 2
1572 12689073
4 Justin Guerra B 1 W 5
1540 12912297
5 Daniel Paley W 2 B 4
1461 17121400
6 Sergey Zausaylov B 3 W 1
1356 31676878
7 Richard Rivera B 10 W 12
1248 30770809
8 Patrick Colleran W 11 B 10
993 31646336
9 Isaac Jacobson B 12 W 13
640 31610677
10 Joseph Oliva W 7 W 8
477 12655775
11 Gennifer Greenberg B 8 bye (1)
148 31599223
12 Scott Westvold W 9 B 7
unr 31763283
13 Ieuan Israel bye (1) B 9
unr 31269296
Tentative Pairings
Open - Round 4
Res White Player Res Black Player
U1900 - Round
Res White Player Res Black Player
U1900 - Round
Res White Player Res Black Player
# Place Player Rating Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Total
1 1 - 5 Alejandro Botta 2255 W 9 ~ 2 1.0 / 1
2 Zachary Pan 1945 W 8 ~ 1 1.0 / 1
3 David Mccabe 1914 W 10 ~ 8 1.0 / 1
4 Chunhao Hu 1875 W 11 ~ 9 1.0 / 1
5 Jacob Morris 1782 W 12 ~ 10 1.0 / 1
6 6 - 7 Andrew Hoy 2200 H -- ~ 7 0.5 / 1
7 Alex Slive 2001 H -- ~ 6 0.5 / 1
8 8 - 12 Anton Barash 2193 L 2 ~ 3 0.0 / 1
9 Jay Yalamanchili 2010 L 1 ~ 4 0.0 / 1
10 Camden Wagner 1940 L 3 ~ 5 0.0 / 1
11 Krishna Narayanan 1766 L 4 ~ 12 0.0 / 1
12 Nicanor Millan 1611 L 5 ~ 11 0.0 / 1
# Place Player Rating Total
1 1 - 16 Edward Astrachan 1815 0.0 / 0
2 Michael Barry 1712 0.0 / 0
3 Michael Brown 1572 0.0 / 0
4 Justin Guerra 1540 0.0 / 0
5 Daniel Paley 1461 0.0 / 0
6 Sergey Zausaylov 1356 0.0 / 0
7 Richard Rivera 1248 0.0 / 0
8 Patrick Colleran 993 0.0 / 0
9 Isaac Jacobson 640 0.0 / 0
10 Joseph Oliva 477 0.0 / 0
11 Gennifer Greenberg 148 0.0 / 0
12 Gennifer Greenberg 148 0.0 / 0
13 Scott Westvold unr 0.0 / 0
14 Scott Westvold unr 0.0 / 0
15 Ieuan Israel unr 0.0 / 0
16 Ieuan Israel unr 0.0 / 0
# Place Player Rating Total
1 1 - 13 Edward Astrachan 1815 0.0 / 0
2 Michael Barry 1712 0.0 / 0
3 Michael Brown 1572 0.0 / 0
4 Justin Guerra 1540 0.0 / 0
5 Daniel Paley 1461 0.0 / 0
6 Sergey Zausaylov 1356 0.0 / 0
7 Richard Rivera 1248 0.0 / 0
8 Patrick Colleran 993 0.0 / 0
9 Isaac Jacobson 640 0.0 / 0
10 Joseph Oliva 477 0.0 / 0
11 Gennifer Greenberg 148 0.0 / 0
12 Scott Westvold unr 0.0 / 0
13 Ieuan Israel unr 0.0 / 0